Thursday, October 18, 2012

" The Class"

The class is a movie it takes place in Paris, France. The movie depicts the attempts of a French teacher named Mr. Francis Marin he was helping the students who are seen as trouble makers and delinquents and put them in the right paths of life. In the movie, I can see that the struggles of the teacher who is caught in a very difficult situation as he tries to have authority and maintain order in his classroom. This movie reveals the teacher’s contemplation between earning the student’s respect, yet not allowing them to walk all over him. The movie takes place mostly in the classroom and in school campus, and deals with such as; respect, authority, race, culture and identity. I found it very realistic the way that the movie depicted the levels of power and confidence that the students of today’s generation can go to, meaning that, students today are not afraid to question or to challenge their teacher’s authority as what Esmeralda acts to Mr. Francis Marin; but Mr. Marin doesn't care about the attitude of his students because for him he is a teacher and his job is to teach his students even if those students have different behavior. Mr. Marin use the different methods for teaching but the most common method he used was the oral recitation; he uses oral recitation to evaluate students and to recite all the topics that they discuss. But, there was one student came to him and gives him a statement, “Sir I have learned nothing”. The role of a teacher is to nurture the students to impart knowledge, to motivate students to learn in order to them to become holistic person in a future.
    For me, as a teacher I feel bad, but in terms of their learning I will accept my weaknesses because he can’t say that all our expertise in teaching the students can learn. I am glad because he/she is honest that he/she didn’t learn from me. The teacher will reteach go back to the topic where students felt difficult. As a teacher you must ask the student what part or area of the discussion that we need to explain again.
    The movie ends with a very unresolved ending. As one student is expelled for misbehaving, other students still do not come to understand what respect is or why they should give it and or receive it in return and very few actually attempt to become successful in school. This movie demonstrates a little bit of every kind of student that we as teachers may come across in our teaching careers. There are those that honestly care about their education, those that simply do not see the point of going to school, others who are forced to be in school, and some who are not fortunate enough to go to school as they are not legal citizens. Above all I thought that this movie did a fantastic job at raveling how each of the above circumstances affects and inter- relates in the bigger picture of being in the classroom together.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

" Postscript: Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration"

There are many method used for the teacher but the most commonly used method was the demonstration method. Demonstration method is the process of teaching through examples or experiments. Demonstration helps to raise the student interest and reinforce memory retention because they provide connection between facts and real- world application of those facts. As a teacher it is very important to demonstrate your lesson especially in computer class because through this it helps them to demonstrate.

Friday, October 12, 2012

" The art of questioning"

This week Ms. Loreto deal about the art of questioning; it defines it is assumed that good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of pupils/ students are being. There are three types of question; according to thinking process involves from low level to high level; as a teacher you should start a question in a low level example for this was the what, when, who, and where while in high level why, how and summarize because if you cannot follow this types of question the student cannot understand what you want to do to them.

Laboratory method it is a set of the firsthand learning activity such as; investigate problem, conducts experiments, observes process and applied theories in a simulated setting. Laboratory method is also called research method. It is important to have an objective of laboratory method because through this it helps you to manage your students. To offer opportunities for the learners get real experiences w/c, in effect. By the objectives it can increase the interest, to provide actual participation in conducting research and to develop skills in the use of laboratory equipment and materials for the equipment. 

" Demonstration Method"

Demonstration method was deal by Ms. Villaver she said; it is basically the showing method. It is a learning method through imitation. When we say demonstration it is a teaching procedure which may also be classified as an audiovisual device.  As a teacher it is important to apply the five steps in demonstration method; purposing, planning, demonstration proper, executing and the evaluation. Through these five steps you can get the learning capacity of the students. There are many demonstration methods used for the teacher but the common method was the lecture method; lecture it is the most common method used of imparting knowledge and information among the students.

" Classroom Management"

Mr. Reporter deal about classroom management; classroom management is a term used by the teachers to describe the process of ensuring that the classroom lesson run smoothly despite disrupted behavior by students. Good classroom management establishes a learning atmosphere which permits pedagogical activities to be carried of efficiently and economically. It is very important to the teacher to manage his/her students because; if the teacher cannot manage his or her students the development of the learner is not good enough. Classroom management includes operation and control of activities involving details as seating arrangement, attendance, and utilization of instructional materials, classroom courtesies and discipline require foresight and planning. A well- managed class is conductive to mental health.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

" Seminar"

Mr. Reporter deal about seminar, seminar is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants. There are three steps in preparing for a discussion in a seminar; how to complex the seminar problem, how much of an expert the leader, how skillful the leader is in guiding through the process of the leader. It is a great advantage when the leader knows enough about the subject or can find out enough through reading and interview; it can define objectives and can state the problem definitely.