Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cognitive Learning theory


Mr. Reporter tackle about cognitive learning, cognitive learning defined within the fields of psychology as being aware of current intellectuality such as knowing, thinking. Cognitive psychology it is the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems. He also tackled about the types of learning it state that we can learn with our own experiences and that is true. There are seven comprehension skills that learners can develop, one is the analysis this is the ability to break down complex information into component parts, second focusing or scanning the ability to select relevant or important information without being distracted, third the comparative analysis the ability to select a correct time from among several alternatives and to compare information, fourth narrowing the ability to identify and place new information into categories, fifth complex cognitive, sixth sharpening to maintain distinction between cognitive structures including old and new information, last was the tolerance it is to monitor and modify thinking, the ability to deal. He also discussed how to be an effective teacher do in classroom. He also tackles that in classroom the minimum students was only 35 and the maximum was 45- 60 students in each classroom.

Principles of learning

Ms. Charity tackles about principles of learning in principles of learning she discussed that each student have different characteristics of learning and each students have dissimilar way how to learn. There are two types of motivation the extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation, in extrinsic motivation it means that comes from reward and punishment while in intrinsic motivation it creating a desire to learn an area of knowledge because it is worth knowing. She also deliberate the conditions that facilitate the teaching- learning process, in this conditions it is important to have a good environment to the pupils/ students because if your environment was very noisy it is difficult for them to learn, also if the classroom was very heat, overcrowded students. She also deliver the methods of teaching, a teaching method refers to the organized, orderly and logical procedure in importing knowledge and information among pupils/students. In classroom it is very important to apply the methods use for teaching through this you will know that your students have learned from your topic that you discuss.

Characteristic of learning

There are three characteristics of learning 1st Learning is fundamental which is the question of knowledge by systematic study is basically a type of relationship existing between stimulus and response. 2nd Learning is interactive the individual reacts to the stimulus in the environment that learning is likely to occur. 3rd Learning is developmental it involves the development of physical and functional changes. There are five factors that contribute to learning the learning, usefulness of materials, the number of sense involved and the last was feedback or knowledge of results. In this topic we all know that learning is distinguished from behavioral changes arising from such processes as maturation and illness, but does apply to motor skills, such as driving a car, to intellectual skills, such as reading, and to attitudes and values, such as prejudice. There is evidence that neurotic symptoms and patterns of mental illness are also learned behavior.