Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Principles of learning

Ms. Charity tackles about principles of learning in principles of learning she discussed that each student have different characteristics of learning and each students have dissimilar way how to learn. There are two types of motivation the extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation, in extrinsic motivation it means that comes from reward and punishment while in intrinsic motivation it creating a desire to learn an area of knowledge because it is worth knowing. She also deliberate the conditions that facilitate the teaching- learning process, in this conditions it is important to have a good environment to the pupils/ students because if your environment was very noisy it is difficult for them to learn, also if the classroom was very heat, overcrowded students. She also deliver the methods of teaching, a teaching method refers to the organized, orderly and logical procedure in importing knowledge and information among pupils/students. In classroom it is very important to apply the methods use for teaching through this you will know that your students have learned from your topic that you discuss.

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