Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Instructional Planning

Mr. Reporter tacked about instructional planning, Instructional planning defined is a process begins with objectives and defines strategies, polices and detailed plan to achieve the desired results.
Instructional planning deals with selecting objectives and actions to achieve them. Planning bridges the gap from where we are now and where we want to be. Instructional planning is an intellectually demanding process because it requires deliberate courses of action where decisions are based on purpose. Instructional planning is the ability of the teacher to visualize and forecast into of the what, why and how of the teaching learning process. He also discussed about the components of instructional planning there are six components 1st the teacher’s attitudes, beliefs, orientations and teacher’s social background 2nd the student’s age, background, knowledge, motivation level of interest  3rd the type  of content that influence the planning process, textbook and other materials  4th the learning content which is characterized by the subject matter guidelines  5th materials resources which include equipment/tools  for teaching  6th time frame which is considerable. He also discussed about the importance of instructional planning, instructional planning provides an overview of instruction by way of presenting a clean total picture of the lesson for the day or entire year.

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